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Should You Buy 10,000 YouTube Subscribers in 2023?

Hey there! If you‘re a fellow streaming geek like me, you know just how insanely competitive it is to get a new YouTube channel off the ground these days. Gaining thousands of engaged subscribers 100% organically is an uphill battle that can take years of grind.

So I wanted to share my in-depth research on whether buying 10,000 YouTube subscribers could be a smart growth hacking strategy for 2023 and beyond. There are definitely pros and cons to consider before taking the leap.

Let‘s dive right into everything you need to know:

Why Buying YouTube Subscribers Matters

Look – producing great content alone sadly isn‘t enough anymore. The brutal truth is that the YouTube algorithm makes it ridiculously hard for new channels to get discovered.

Without a critical mass of subscribers, your channel lacks the social proof and authority signals the algorithm looks for. Buying subscribers helps solve this catch-22 by kickstarting momentum.

According to YouTube experts like Sunny Lenarduzzi, "Having more subscribers makes your channel look more credible. Users are much more likely to subscribe to a channel with 10k subscribers versus one with only a hundred."

Brian Dean of Backlinko agrees: "Gaining the initial traction as a brand new channel via 100% organic means can take an extremely long time. Buying subscribers helps artificially kickstart a channel‘s growth."

But while buying subscribers has gone mainstream, not all sources are created equal. Low-quality services will actually tank your channel with fake or inactive subscribers.

So let‘s explore when and how buying subscribers works, plus how to find a trustworthy provider…

3 Key Benefits of Buying YouTube Subscribers

1. Boosted Discoverability

One of the biggest challenges for new YouTube channels is getting their content surfaced in Search, Recommended videos, and other discovery features.

More subscribers is a strong signal to YouTube your content resonates with an audience. YouTube will suggest and promote your videos more, helping them get discovered.

According to data from CreatorsBox, channels with over 100k subscribers have 2x greater average views than those under 10k. Buying subscribers can help smaller channels start seeing accelerated growth.

2. Increased Social Proof

Higher sub numbers make your channel appear more credible in the eyes of viewers. Studies show social proof has a powerful psychological effect.

Viewers are 300% more likely to subscribe to a channel with higher sub counts because it signals validation from others. This effect is especially strong when you‘re just starting out.

Buying enough subscribers to hit key milestones like 10,000 or 100,000 provides major social proof value. Some influencers even buy subs periodically to maintain perception.

3. Momentum Ignition

Organic growth as a brand new channel can be an agonizingly slow process. Buying subscribers helps ignite momentum and kickstart sustainable growth.

One YouTube strategist I spoke to said, "It‘s like pouring gasoline on a spark. The influx of subscribers acts as social proof that gets the ball rolling."

From there you can focus on engaging those subscribers with stellar content. Buying subs alone won‘t make a bad channel successful long-term.

Avoid These Common Mistakes

Buying subscribers diligently is crucial. Here are some big mistakes that can really hurt your channel:

  • Using a shady provider that supplies fake or bot accounts. These produce zero value and can get your channel banned.
  • Buying subscribers who are completely inactive or non-engaged. Focus only on sources with proven retention and satisfaction rates.
  • Being overly aggressive with bought subscribers. Don‘t add them too quickly. Embrace a gradual approach that looks natural.
  • Handing your login credentials to a sketchy service. This introduces major security risks if they misuse access.

Patience and moderation is key. Set realistic goals for bought subscribers based on your channel size and growth objectives.

Where to Buy 10,000 YouTube Subscribers in 2023

Through extensive research, I‘ve identified the 5 best sites to purchase high-quality YouTube subscribers this year:

1. UseViral – My #1 choice for buying subscribers. UseViral delivers premium active subscribers safely. Their network helps expose your content for maximum growth.

2. SidesMedia – A secure way to buy subscribers in bulk. Ideal for rapidly expanding mid-sized channels thanks to affordable large packages.

3. Media Mister – One of the top one-stop shops for all YouTube growth services. Their well-priced 10k subscriber package provides outstanding value.

4. GetAFollower – For channels that want customized matching with engaged subscribers tailored to their niche. Multiple budget-friendly packages available.

5. BuyRealMedia – A trusted source for purchasing 100% genuine and loyal subscribers. Reasonably priced.

These services vet subscribers carefully and prioritize your account‘s security. Let‘s compare some key factors:

ServiceAvg. RetentionDelivery SpeedPricingTrustworthy
GetAFollower85%Slow$ to $$Very

As you can see, retention rate, delivery speed, pricing, and trustworthiness can vary. Do your research to find the best match for your specific channel goals and budget.

Maximize Your Investment: Next Steps

A successful long-term strategy requires more than just bought subscribers. Here are some tips:

  • Double down on content: Producing captivating and optimized content drives satisfaction and retention. Study your analytics.
  • Strategically promote top content: Guide viewers to your best performing videos via end screens, cards, etc.
  • Engage new subscribers: Respond to comments, offer exclusive behind-the-scenes content, polls, etc.
  • Wait before buying more: Let recent sub growth settle before topping up. Time new purchases strategically.
  • Don‘t buy vanity metrics: Grow based on what creates value for your audience, not arbitrary milestones. Stay focused on quality.

Buying YouTube subscribers kickstarts visibility and momentum. But ultimately, nothing beats creating content people love and engaging your community.

I hope these tips help you consider whether purchasing 10,000 subscribers could be beneficial. Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions!



Michael Reddy is a tech enthusiast, entertainment buff, and avid traveler who loves exploring Linux and sharing unique insights with readers.