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10 Best SERP APIs to Scrape Search Engine Results in 2023

As an experienced digital marketer and web developer for over 15 years, I‘ve utilized my fair share of tools and technologies to gain insights into search engine results pages (SERPs). While manually analyzing SERPs can provide value, leveraging a SERP API takes your search engine optimization (SEO) and online marketing efforts to the next level.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll dive into the world of SERP APIs, including:

  • What SERP APIs are and how they work
  • Top 10 SERP APIs and their key features
  • Technical considerations for selecting the right API
  • Strategies for integrating SERP data into your marketing stack
  • Limitations and common pitfalls to be aware of

Whether you‘re new to SERP analysis or a seasoned pro, by the end of this post you‘ll have the knowledge to choose the best SERP API for your needs in 2023 and beyond. Let‘s get started!

What is a SERP API?

SERP stands for "search engine results page"—it‘s what you see when you conduct a search on Google, Bing, or any search engine.

A SERP API (application programming interface) allows you to programmatically send search queries to engines like Google and get structured data back in a machine-readable format like JSON.

Instead of manually browsing to SERPs, copying data, and analyzing in spreadsheets, SERP APIs handle all the heavy lifting for you.

Why are SERP APIs Valuable?

Here are some of the key benefits SERP APIs provide:

  • Save time – No need to manually search and collect data from SERPs. API requests deliver instant results.
  • Scale analysis – Send thousands of queries instead of limited manual searches.
  • Get structured data – API responses can be fed directly into other software vs. unstructured copied data.
  • Monitor trends – Continuously run SERP queries over time to identify changes.
  • Compare performance – Track your site‘s rankings vs. competitors for target keywords.
  • Improve SEO – Uncover optimization opportunities by analyzing SERP features.
  • Reduce costs – Automated SERP analysis is cheaper than manual methods.

In short, SERP APIs enable you to work smarter, not harder when leveraging search engine data for your marketing and SEO.

Top 10 SERP APIs for 2023

Now that we‘ve covered the basics, let‘s explore 10 of the top SERP APIs available today:

1. ScraperAPI

ScraperAPI is my go-to recommendation for most SERP API needs. Here‘s an overview:

  • Search Engines – Google, Bing, Yandex, and DuckDuckGo support.
  • Data Points – Retrieve rankings, titles, descriptions, URLs and more.
  • Formats – JSON and HTML output.
  • Pricing – Generous free plan. Paid plans start at $49/mo.
  • Ease of Use – Intuitive dashboard and detailed docs for all skill levels.

I‘ve used ScraperAPI across dozens of client projects due to its combination of robust features and simplicity. Their free plan lets you test the API with no commitment required.

2. MozBar API

MozBar is likely familiar to many SEOs for its browser toolbar. Beyond that, they offer an API for SERP analysis including:

  • Google only – No Bing or other search engine support.
  • Limited data – Title, URL, and Moz‘s Link Explorer metric.
  • Format – JSON only.
  • Pricing – Part of Moz Pro paid plans starting at $99/mo.
  • Use cases – Backlink analysis by discovering which pages link to your site.

While more limited than some other options, MozBar can be a cost-effective add-on if you‘re already a Moz Pro subscriber.


Despite the generic name, SERP API is a long-running API service with the following offerings:

  • Major engines – Google, Bing, YouTube and some additional niche engines.
  • Robust data – Detailed organic results, ads, related searches, knowledge graphs and more.
  • Formats – JSON and XML outputs.
  • Pricing – Free plan with 100 requests. Paid plans from $49.99/mo.
  • Ideal for – In-depth SERP analysis and monitoring campaigns.

With comprehensive capabilities, SERP API is a developer-friendly option. Know that some advanced features require higher tier paid plans.

4. SearchConsole API

Google‘s SearchConsole API allows you to pull your site‘s Google Search Console data directly into your applications.

  • Google only – Retrieving your Google Search Console data.
  • Core reports – Impressions, clicks, CTR, positions, queries and more.
  • Format – JSON
  • Pricing – Free for basic usage with Google developer account.
  • Use cases – Pull Google Search Console reports into custom dashboards or SEO tools.

This API is best suited for those wanting insights from their own Google Search Console property.

5. Keyword Surfer API

Keyword Surfer specializes in helping you discover and analyze keyword opportunities via their API:

  • Google only – Focused exclusively on Google keyword data.
  • Unique data – Keyword ideas, trends, search volumes, competitiveness.
  • Format – JSON
  • Pricing – 14-day free trial. Plans from $27+/mo.
  • Ideal for – SEO keyword research and tracking optimization opportunities.

If keyword research is your top priority, Keyword Surfer makes an excellent single-purpose API choice.

6. Capacity SERP API

Capacity offers a well-rounded API with the following key features:

  • Major engines – Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex.
  • Useful data – Rankings, titles, meta descriptions, links and more.
  • Formats – JSON and XML.
  • Pricing – Free plan up to 5K requests. Paid plans from $50/mo.
  • Ideal for – Competitive rankings analysis.

With support for 4 major search engines, Capacity is a great choice for holistic SERP tracking and comparison.

7. Web Scraper API provides an API tailored more for general web scraping vs. pure SERP analysis:

  • Any website – Scrape any site, not just search engines.
  • Robust scraper – JavaScript rendering, proxies, CAPTCHAs handled automatically.
  • Formats – JSON, CSV
  • Pricing – Free plan. Paid plans from $59/mo.
  • Use cases – Web scraping, data extraction, gathering info from any site. gives you the flexibility to scrape search engines along with any other website. It‘s more full-featured for general web scraping.

8. DataForSEO API

DataForSEO brings together multiple data streams related to SEO and SERP tracking including:

  • Search analytics – Rankings, clicks, impressions, CTR.
  • Keyword data – Volumes, trends, suggestions.
  • Competitor info – Top pages, organic traffic, backlinks.
  • Formats – JSON, CSV, XML.
  • Pricing – Custom quotes. ~$500+/mo.
  • Ideal for – Large agencies managing enterprise SEO.

With its vast dataset and wealth of API endpoints, DataForSEO caters more toward giant SEO agencies versus small businesses.

9. RankSense API

RankSense is a SERP tracking platform that offers API access:

  • Major engines – Google, Bing, Yandex.
  • Key metrics – Rankings, organic traffic, click-through-rate.
  • Formats – JSON
  • Pricing – Free plan. Paid plans from $29/mo.
  • Ideal for – Monitoring your site‘s organic performance.

If you‘re already using RankSense for SERP tracking, their API can help consolidate your data.

10. SERP Woo API

Rounding out our list is SERP Woo, providing the following via API:

  • Two engines – Just Google and Bing.
  • Key data – Rankings, titles, snippets, backlinks.
  • Formats – JSON
  • Pricing – 500 free requests. Paid plans from $30/mo.
  • Use cases – Basic SERP monitoring and backlink tracking.

SERP Woo is a beginner-friendly option, though light on advanced functionality compared to others listed.

Key Factors When Selecting a SERP API

Now that we‘ve explored the top contenders for SERP APIs, how do you determine which one is right for your specific needs? Here are key factors to consider:

Search Engine Coverage

What search engines do you need to pull results from? APIs have varying levels of support for Google, Bing, Yandex and other engines. Ensure your chosen API covers the ones most important for your region and use case.

Data Points and Detail Level

Some APIs provide light rankings data. Others enable extraction of comprehensive organic results, ads, related searches, featured snippets and more. Evaluate what data elements you really require.

Pricing and Plan Options

Pricing can range from free to hundreds per month depending on usage needs. Watch out for APIs that limit key features to higher-priced plans only. Ideally choose one with a generous free tier to test.

Ease of Integration and Use

Look for an API with detailed documentation, client libraries for languages like Python and NodeJS, and guides to facilitate integration. The best APIs minimize coding complexity.

Reliability and Uptime

Nothing is more frustrating than an API going down during time-sensitive analysis. Check track records for uptime percentage and guaranteed SLAs. Stability should be top-tier.

Responsiveness and Speed

APIs should return SERP data within 1-2 seconds, not minutes. Test response times under load. Slower APIs can bottleneck your tools.

By carefully evaluating each of these factors against your objectives, you can confidently select the optimal SERP API for powering your projects.

Leveraging SERP API Data for SEO and Digital Marketing

Once you‘ve chosen your SERP API, how exactly should you leverage it? Here are 3 key strategies:

1. Feed Into Data Visualization Tools

Pulling SERP data directly into data visualization tools lets you gain insights faster. For example, automatically import keywords and rankings into Data Studio to create dashboards tracking your site‘s organic performance.

2. Integrate With SEO Tools

Many leading SEO platforms like Ahrefs, SEMRush, and Moz provide APIs also. Combine your SERP API with these tools to enrich their data. Create custom alerts when rankings shift or new competitor content is published.

3. Build Custom Analytics with Code

For developers, SERP API responses can power completely custom analytics and monitoring. Use languages like Python or JavaScript to implement your own SERP analysis system.

The key is to not just retrieve data, but take action on it to drive SEO and marketing decisions.

Limitations and Pitfalls of SERP APIs

While extremely useful, SERP APIs aren‘t perfect. Be aware of these limitations:

  • Search engines don‘t like bots scraping their results at large scale. Only make reasonable volumes of requests to avoid getting blocked.
  • APIs can miss out on JavaScript-rendered content and other dynamic elements on result pages. The raw HTML provided may not match the full browser view.
  • SERP data reflects a point in time. Engines like Google are constantly changing results based on fresh signals. Don‘t assume your ranks will remain static.
  • Google and Bing‘s terms of service technically prohibit using automated methods to scrape their sites. Most smaller-scale API usage falls into a gray area tolerated by the engines. But be aware of this risk.

The best practice is to use SERP APIs strategically as one input for making decisions, not the single source of truth. Manual checks and human insights should complement your API data.

Wrap Up

I hope this guide has provided you a comprehensive overview of SERP APIs and how to leverage them for SEO, digital marketing, and web scraping. The key takeaways are:

  • SERP APIs provide automated access to engine results as structured data.
  • Top options include ScraperAPI, SERP API, MozBar, SearchConsole API and others.
  • Choose based on search engine coverage, data needs, ease of use, and pricing.
  • Integrate SERP data into workflows to enhance monitoring, analysis and optimizations.
  • Be aware of limitations like changing results, ToS restrictions, and potential blocking.

Start exploring APIs today to level up your search intelligence! Just be sure to evaluate options closely to select the best fit for your specific needs and budget.



Michael Reddy is a tech enthusiast, entertainment buff, and avid traveler who loves exploring Linux and sharing unique insights with readers.